Your healed self awaits you.
Many of us "so-called" grown ups are not truly adults at all. Yes, we have aged in biological years, but deep inside you are still that little girl throwing a tantrum to get her parents' attention.
Until you heal the wounds from your childhood, you will continue attracting the same relationships, situations, and results.
Inner Child Trauma shows up in your life as:
In this workshop, you will gain an insight into what traumas are causing your current behaviour. You will also better understand your triggers. I will lead you on an inner child healing practice - to help you heal a part the little girl inside you. .
I Invite you to STEP into your most powerful version who takes ACTION to heal herself and live a life of her DREAMS.
You'll learn about:
When: February 25 & 26, 2025
Time: 7:00 p.m. EST
Location: Zoom